We typically run 50 - 70 ewes, most of them White Dorper. We have fullblood ewes, purebred ewes, and a few commercial crossbred hair ewes. Since Dorpers are hair sheep, they shed, so they do not need to be sheared. We select for good feet and parasite resistance. Good mothering instincts and ease of lambing allow our Dorper ewes to lamb out in the fields no matter what the season. The White Dorper produce lambs that are small at birth, and grow fast. Dorper lamb meat is mild, and Dorper lambs can be slaughtered at larger sizes and still avoid tasting "muttony".

White Dorper Sheep

This page was last updated: November 27, 2018
Steven and Paula McCaleb
2290 Bruce McCaleb Rd
Duck River / Shady Grove TN 38454
email  ShadyGroveSheep@aol.com
Shady Acres Sheep Farm
Flock sire for 2018 / 2019 lamb crop

Purchased from Loyd and Juanita Daniels of Clover Leaf Farm in El Paso, Ark
at the Southern States Show & Sale held annually in Cookeville TN